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Phosphoinositides play a central role in the regulation of numerous cell signaling processes. Their involvment in cytoskeletal remodeling, vesicle trafficking, cell survival, mitogenesis, DNA repair, transcription regulation, exo-endocytosis, ion channel modulation, phagocytosis, apoptosis have been reported.
Inositols.com serves as a web resource for researching & sourcing tools specific to the inositol / phosphoinositide signaling field.
Selected Scientific Reviews
1. Hammond G, Thomas CL, Schiavo G. Nuclear phosphoinositides and their functions. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2004; 282:177-206.
2. Botelho RJ, Scott CC, Grinstein S. Phosphoinositide involvement in phagocytosis and phagosome maturation. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2004;282:1-30.
3. Lemmon MA. Phosphoinositide recognition domains. Traffic. 2003. Apr;4(4):201-13.
4. Yin HL, Janmey PA. Phosphoinositide regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Annu Rev Physiol. 2003;65:761-89. Epub 2002 May 01.
5. Tronchere H, Buj-Bello A, Mandel JL, Payrastre B. Implication of phosphoinositide phosphatases in genetic diseases: the case of myotubularin. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2003. Oct;60(10):2084-99.
6. Nahorski SR, Young KW, John Challiss RA, Nash MS. Visualizing phosphoinositide signalling in single neurons gets a green light. Trends Neurosci. 2003 Aug;26(8):444-52.
7. Cantley LC. The phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway. Science. 2002. May 31;296(5573):1655-7.
8. Kanaho Y, Suzuki T. Phosphoinositide kinases as enzymes that produce versatile signaling lipids, phosphoinositides. J Biochem (Tokyo). 2002 Apr;131(4):503-9.
9. Toker A. Phosphoinositides and signal transduction. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002. May;59(5):761-79.
10. De Matteis M, Godi A, Corda D. Phosphoinositides and the golgi complex. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2002 Aug;14(4):434-47.
11. Majerus PW. Inositols do it all. Genes Dev. 1996. May 1;10(9):1051-3.
12. Allen-Baume V, Segui B, Cockcroft S. Current thoughts on the phosphatidylinositol transfer protein family. FEBS Lett. 2002. Oct 30;531(1):74-80.
13. Cooke FT. Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate: metabolism and function. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2002. Nov 15;407(2):143-51.
14. Osborne SL, Meunier FA, Schiavo G. Phosphoinositides as key regulators of synaptic function. Neuron. 2001. Oct 11;32(1):9-12.
15. Tolias KF, Cantley LC. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem Phys Lipids. 1999. Apr;98(1-2):69-77.
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Alphabetical Product Listing
Adenophostin A,
Prod.# A-1126-I
C16H20N5O18P3, M.W. 669, White Solid.
A potent Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor agonist. 10 times more potent than IP3.
50 ug $155.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
3-Deoxy-3-bromo-Ins(1,4,5)P3. 6Na,
Prod.# D-1107-I
C6H9O14P3.6 Na, M.W. 536.0, Soluble in Water, Yellowish Solid.
Exhibits very strong ligand binding affinity to the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor of bovine adrenal cortex membranes and acts as a strong agonist in releasing calcium from saponin permeabilized SH-Sy5Y human neuroblastoma cells.
500 ug $60.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Protect from Moisture. Hygroscopic.
3-Deoxy-3-fluoro-d-myo-inositol, 3-F-Ins,
Prod.# D-1103-I
C6H11FO5, M.W. 182.2, Soluble in Water., White Solid.
Fluorine-substituted analog of myo-inositol that is taken up by cells and incorporated into fluorinated PI. Has antiproliferative effects toward v-sis NIH 3T3 cells and is a possible blocker of synthesis of Ins(1,3,4,5)P4.
1 mg $65.00 Order online
+4°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
3-Deoxy-Ins(1,4,5)P3.6Na, 3-Deoxy-D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.hexasodium salt,
Prod.# D-1105-I
C6H9O14P3 . 6 Na, Crystalline Solid.
Exhibits very strong ligand binding affinity to the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor of bovine adrenal cortex membranes and acts as a strong agonist in releasing calcium from saponin permeabilized SH-Sy5Y human neuroblastoma cells.
500 ug $65.00 Order online
3-F-Deoxy-Ins(1,4,5)P3. 6Na,
Prod.# D-1109-I
C6H8FO14P3 . 6 Na, M.W. 553.9, Soluble in Water., CAS [129365-68-0], Crystalline Solid.
Equal to Ins(1,4,5)P3 in releasing intracellular calcium. The 3-position is blocked by fluorine so it can not be converted to Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 by the action of 3-kinases. Useful for studying the pathways in which InsP3 and InsP4 are closely interactive
100 ug $50.00 Order online
1-D-3-Deoxy-phophatidylinositol, DPI; D-3-Deoxy-myo-inositol 1-[(R)-2,3-bis(hexadecanoyloxy)propyl hydrogenphosphate,
Prod.# D-1113-I
C41H79O12P, M.W. 795.0, Soluble in Ethanol or DMSO., Off-White Solid.
Antimetabolite of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate. An inhibitor of cancer cell colony formation.
100 ug $35.00 Order online
1 mg $155.00 Order online
+4 C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
2,3-Dideoxy-Ins(1,4,5)P3. 6Na, 2,3-dideoxy-d-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.hexasodium salt,
Prod.# D-1111-I
C6H9O13P3 . 6 Na, M.W. 520.0, Soluble in Water., White Solid.
Exhibits very strong ligand binding affinity to the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor of bovine adrenal cortex membranes and acts as a strong agonist in releasing calcium from saponin permeabilized SH-Sy5Y human neuroblastoma cells.
1 mg $75.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Protect from Moisture. Hygroscopic.
Prod.# I-1058-I
C6H12O6, M.W. 180.2, Soluble in Water. Slightly Soluble in Ethanol., Crystalline Solid.
25 g $20.00 Order online
scyllo-Inositol, Scyllito,
Prod.# I-1060-I
C6H12O6, M.W.180.2, Soluble in Water. Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring isomer of myo-inositol, product # I-1058.
5 mg $40.00 Order online
25 mg $110.00 Order online
Polyclonal Antibody to Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate Receptor Type I,
Prod.# I-1064-I
Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody. Immunogen: Human IP3R-I (1829-1848) peptide sequence. Specificity: Recognizes ~240 kDa IP3 receptor type I in human, dog, and rat. Application: WB 1/1000, IH 1/100., Supplied as Serum. +4°C Storage.
10 ul $280.00 Order on line
Polyclonal Antibody to Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type-II, (IP3 Receptor Type II)
Host: Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody. Immunogen: Synthetic peptide: E(317) L N P D Y R D A Q N E G K T V R D(334). Specificity: Detects inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type-II (IP3R-II) from rat tissues. IP3R-II is found predominantly in the brain. Application: IHC, no WB. IHC of hippocampus, corpus collosum, and cerebellum tissue has been tested.
Product Number: I-1092-I
100 ul $225.00 Order
Polyclonal Antibody to Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type-III (IP3R-III),
Host: Rabbit Immunogen: Synthetic peptide: R(2656) Q R L G F V D V Q N C M S R(2670). Specificity: Detects inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type-III (IP3R-III) from rat tissues. IP3R-III is known to be expressed in pancreatic islets, kidney, and the gastrointestinal tract. Application: IHC, no WB.
Product Number: I-1094-I
100 ul $225.00 Order
Ins(1)P.2K, D-myo-Inositol 1-phosphate.dipotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1042-I
Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
1 mg Limited Availability, Please Inquire
5 mg Limited Availability, Please Inquire
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,2,3,4)P4.4K, D-myo-Inositol 1,2,3,4.tetrakisphosphate.4K,
Prod.# I-1068-I
Soluble in Water., White Solid. -20°C Storage.
100 ug $120.00 Order online
Ins(1,2,3,5)P4.4K, D-myo-Inositol 1,2,3,5-pentaphosphate.pentapotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1052-I
Crystalline Solid
100 ug $140.00 Order on line
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,2,3,6)P4.4K, D-myo-Inositol 1,2,3,6.tetrakisphosphate.4K,
Prod.# I-1070-I
White Solid , -20°C Storage..
100 ug $120.00 Order online
Ins(1,2,5,6)P4, D-myo-Inositol 1,2,5,6-tetraphosphate, potassium salt,
Prod.# P-1109-I, Crystalline Solid
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
Ins(1,3)P2, D-myo-Inositol 1,3-bisphosphate.sodium salt, Synthetic,
Prod.# I-1082 -I
C6H10Na4O12P2, M.W. 428.04,White Solid.
500 ug $210.00 Order online
1 g $375.00 Order online
Ins(1,3,4)P3, D-myo-Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate.Potassium salt, Synthetic,
Prod.# D-1023-I.
C6H9O15P3.6K, M.W. 648.7, Soluble in Water., CAS [140385-74-6], Lyophilized Powder
Produced upon hormonal stimulation of cells.
100 ug $170.00 Order online
-20°C. Hygroscopic. Protect from Moisture.
Ins(1,3,4,5)P4, D-myo-inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate.octapotassium salt, Synthetic,
Prod.# D-1025-I
C6H8O18P4.8K.14H2O, M.W. 804.8, Soluble in Water., CAS [135269-51-1], Lyophilized Powder.
Suggested to play a second-messenger role different from that of Ins(1,4,5)P3.
100 ug $180.00 Order online
1 mg $680.00 Order online
-20°C. Hygroscopic. Protect from Moisture.
Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5.5K, D-myo-Inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate.pentapotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1054-I
Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,3,4,6)P4, D-myo-Inositol 1,3,4,6-trisphosphate.Potassium Salt,
Prod.# P-1113-I
Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
Ins(1,3,5,6)P4.4K, D-myo-Inositol 1,3,5,6-tetrakisphosphate.tetrapotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1050-I
Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,4,5)P3, IP3, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.hexapotassium salt, Synthetic,
Prod.# D-1021-I
C6H9O15P3.6K, M.W. 648.7, Soluble in Aqueous Media., CAS [103476-24-0], , Lyophilized Powder.
Causes release of calcium from intracellular stores.
1 mg $80.00 Order online
5 mg $320.00 Order online
-20°C. Hygroscopic. Protect from Moisture.
Ins(1,4,5)P3.3 Li, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.trilithium salt,
Prod.# D-1097-I , Crystalline Solid
Causes release of calcium from intracellular stores. Trilithium Salt Form.
1 mg $95.00 Order online
5 mg $360.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,4,5)P3.3NH3, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate.triammonium salt,
Prod.# D-1101-I, Crystalline Solid.
Causes release of calcium from intracellular stores. Ammonium Salt Form.
1 mg $95.00 Order online
5 mg $360.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,4,5)P3.6 Na, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate.trilithium salt,
Prod.# D-1099-I, Crystalline Solid
Causes release of calcium from intracellular stores. Sodium Salt Form.
1 mg $85.00 Order online
5 mg $325.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,4,5)P3.6K, L-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.6K,
Prod.# I-1038-I, Crystalline Solid
Inactive negative control for D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
1 mg $95.00 Order online
+4 C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,4,5,6)P4, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5,6-tetraphosphate, potassium salt,
Prod.# P-1107-I , Crystalline Solid
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
Ins(1,4,6)P3.3K, D-myo-Inositol 1,4,6-trisphosphate.tripotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1048-I , Crystalline Solid
100 ug $85.00 Order online
1 mg $395.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,5)P2.2K, DL-myo-Inositol 1,5-bisphosphate.dipotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1046-I , Crystalline Solid.
100 ug $75.00 Order online
1 mg $350.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,5)P2.4K, D-myo-Inositol 1,5-bisphosphate.tetrapotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1044-I , Crystalline Solid
100 ug $85.00 Order online
1 mg $395.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(1,5,6)P3, D-myo-Inositol 1,5,6-trisphosphate.potassium salt,
Prod.# P-1105-I, Crystalline Solid
100 ug $160.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(2,3,5)P3.3K, D-myo-Inositol 2,3,5-trisphosphate.tripotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1049-I, Crystalline Solid
100 ug $85.00 Order online
1 mg $395.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Ins(3,4,5)P3.3K, D-myo-Inositol 3,4,5.trisphosphate.tripotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1066-I , White Solid, -20°C Storage.
100 ug $250.00 Order online
Ins(3,4,5,6)P4, D-myo-Inositol 3,4,5,6-tetraphosphate.potassium salt,
Prod.# P-1111-I
Crystalline Solid
100 ug $180.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
Ins(3,4,5,6)P4.4K, D-myo-Inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate.tetrapotassium salt,
Prod.# I-1056-I, Crystalline Solid
100 ug $140.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
IRS-1 (Y608) Peptide, Lys-Lys-His-Thr-Asp-Asp-Gly-Tyr-Met-Pro-Met-Ser-Pro-Gly-Val-Ala,
Prod.# I-10620-I, M.W. 1732.8, Lyophilized Solid.
The tyrosine phosphorylated version of this peptide binds to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase SH2 domain and activates the enzyme.
1 mg $80.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
LY-294002, 2-(4-Morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,
Prod.# L-1023-I
C19H17NO3, M.W. 307.4, Soluble in DMSO and Methanol., CAS [154447-36-6], MP: 240-241°C., White to Off-White Solid.
A potent and specific, cell permeable inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-Kinase).
5 mg $65.00 Order online
25 mg $260.00 Order online
Room Temperature.. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase SH3 Domain Binding Peptide,
PI3K SH3.Trifluoroacetate salt, H-Arg-Lys-Leu-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Arg-Arg-NH2,
Prod.# P-1143-I,
C51H95N23O9, M.W. 1174.5, Soluble in Water., Lyophilized Solid.
Selectively binds to PI3K SH3 (Km=7.6 um).
1 mg $90.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic.
Monoclonal Antibody to Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate,
Prod.# P-1173-I,
Suggested Usage: 1:50 for fluorescence immunohistochemistry or cytochemistry.
Shown to recognize PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 in murine and human cells. Crossreactivity is 1% or less with other phosphatidylinositol phosphates or lipids.
100 ug $240.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
Monoclonal Antibody to Phosphatidylinositol-4,5,-biphosphate, Purified, Anti-PtdIns(4,5)P2,
Prod.# P-1219-I.
Clone: 2C11. Immunogen: Synthetic PtdIns(4,5)P2 (1) in liposomes. Specificity: Shown to recognize PtdIns(4,5)P2 in murine and human cells. Application: 1:500 for dot blot. 1:250 for TLC overlay and ELISA. 1:50 IHC, IF.
100 ul $290.00 Order online
Store at 2-8 C for up to 30 days. If longer storage is necessary, aliquot and freeze at -20°C. Do not freeze-thaw antibody. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
PI(3)P, di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3-monophosphate, PtdIns-3-P,
Prod.# P-1133-I.
C41H80O16P2, M.W. 890, Soluble in Ethanol, Chloroform, and DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form. Substrate for PIP4K alpha and beta.
100 ug $120.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3)P, di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3-monophosphate, PtdIns-3-P
Prod.# P-1131-I
C27H52O16P2, M.W. 694, Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form. Substrate for PIP4K alpha and beta.
100 ug $180.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,4)P2, di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,4-diphosphate, PtdIns-3,4-P2,
Prod.# P-1121-I
C41H81O19P3, M.W. 970, Soluble in ethanol, chloroform and DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form. Substrate for PIP5K. Inhibited by PI(4,5)P2.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,4)P2, di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,4-diphosphate, PtdIns-3,4-P2,
Prod.# P-1119-I
C27H53O19P3, M.W. 774, Soluble in Water. Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form. Substrate for PIP5K. Inhibited by PI(4,5)P2.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,4,5)P3, di C16. Sodium Salt, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate, Sodium Salt, PtdIns-3,4,5-P3,
Prod.# P-1129-I
C41H82O22P4, M.W. 1050, Soluble in Ethanol, Chloroform, DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,4,5)P3, di C8. Sodium Salt, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate, Sodium Salt, PtdIns-3,4,5-P3,
Prod.# P-1127-I
C27H54O22P4, 854, Soluble in Water.Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,4,5)P3. Ammonium Salt, Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate, [1-0-Stearoyl-2-0-arachidonoyl-sn-glycer-3-yl-D-myo-inositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate.tetraammonium salt,
Prod.# P-1035-I
C47H82O22P4.4NH4, M.W. 1195.3, Soluble in Water and Methanol., Yellow to Brown Powder.
Identical to naturally occurring PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. It is not an analog containing only saturated fatty acid residues. This material has been found to display significantly greater biological activity [3,4, 5] than such saturated analogs.
100 ug $240.00 Order online
5x100 ug $995.00 Order online
-20°C. Caution. Do not take internally. Wear gloves and mask when handling this product.
PI(3,5)P2, di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-diphosphate, PtdIns-3,5-P2,
Prod.# P-1125-I
C41H81O19P3, M.W. 970, Soluble in Ethanol, Chloroform, and DMSO. Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(3,5)P2, di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-diphosphate, PtdIns-3,5-P2,
Prod.# P-1123-I
C27H53O19P3, M.W. 774, Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form.
100 ug $140.00 Order online
500 ug $420.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(4)P, di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate, PtdIns-4-P,
Prod.# P-1137-I
C41H80O16P2, 890, Soluble in ethanol, chloroform, and DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form. Substrate for PIP5K and PI3K (Class IA, IB, II).
100 ug $120.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
-20°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial. Hygroscopic!
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(4)P, di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate, PtdIns-4-P,
Prod.# P-1135-I
C27H52O16P2, M.W. 694, Soluble in Water, Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form. Substrate for PIP5K and PI3K (Class IA, IB, II).
100 ug $120.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
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1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(4,5)P2, di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate, PtdIns-4,5-P2,
Prod.# P-1117-I
C41H81O19P3, M.W. 970, Soluble in Ethanol, Chloroform and DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form. Substrate for PI3K (Class IA, IB, II).
100 ug $180.00 Order online
1 mg $300.00 Order online
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1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(4,5)P2,di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate, PtdIns-4,5-P2
Prod.# P-1115-I
M.W.774, Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form. Substrate for PI3K (Class IA, IB, II).
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1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(5), di C16, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 5-monophosphate, PtdIns-5-P,
Prod.# P-1141-I
C41H80O16P2, M.W. 890, Soluble in ethanol, chloroform, and DMSO., Crystalline Solid.
Natural occurring form. Substrate for PIP4K alpha and beta. Inhibited by PI(4,5)P2.
100 ug $180.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
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1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
PI(5), di C8, L-alpha-D-myo-Phosphatidylinositol 5-monophosphate, PtdIns-5-P,
Prod.# P-1139-I
C27H52O16P2, M.W. 694, Soluble in Water., Crystalline Solid.
Water soluble form. Substrate for PIP4K alpha and beta. Inhibited by PI(4,5)P2.
100 ug $120.00 Order online
500 ug $330.00 Order online
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1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
Monoclonal Antibody to PI-3 Kinase, Human, Recombinant (mouse),
Prod.# P-1145-I
Clone: AB6, Isotype: Mouse, IgG1kappa. Application: Western Blot, Immunocytochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Cross Reactivity with other species has not been determined, Immunogen: Recombinant Human p85alpha expressed in E. coli., +4°C Storage.
Lyophilized Solid
Reacts with p85alpha which is the regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase. Does not react with p85beta.
100 ug $310.00 Order online
1. Fruman, D.A., R.E. Meyers, L.C. Cantley. Phosphoinositide Kinases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1998. 67: 481-507.
2. Tolias, K.F., L.C. Cantley. Pathways for phosphoinositide synthesis. Chem. Phys. lipids. 1999. 98(1-2): 69-77.
3. Leevers, S.J., B. Vanhaesebroeck, M.D. Waterfield. Signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinases: the Lipids take centre stage. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 1999. 11(2): 219-225.
Antiserum to Profilin, Purified,
Prod.# P-1215-I
From Rabbit. Antigen: Porcine platelet profilin. Specificity: Recognizes human, porcine, bovine, mouse, rat, chicken and marsupial profilin I & II. Application: WB. Includes positive control (500 ug of human platelet protein).
100 ul $280.00 Order online
Monoclonal Antibody to PTEN, Purified
Clone: 6H2.1. Isotype: Mouse IgG. Immunogen: Raised against a fusion protein containing the C-terminal human PTEN sequence. Specificity: Detects a ~60 kDa band in total cell lysates.
Research Applications: Immunoblotting:1-5 ug/ml, Immunoprecipitation: 5 ug/sample, Immunohistochemistry: yes, Immunofluorescence: yes, ELISA: yes.
Prod.# P-1195-I
PTEN plays an important role in the modulation of the 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. PTEN inhibits downstream functions mediated by PtdIns 3-kinase pathway such as activation of PKB, cell survival and cell proliferation.
100 ug
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1. Cantley, L.C. & B.G. Neel. New Insights into Tumor Suppression: PTEN Suppresses Tumor Formation by Restraining the Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase / AKT Pathway. PNAS. 1999. 96: 4240.
2. Maehama, T., & J.E. Dixon. PTEN: A Tumour Suppressor that Functions as a Phospholipid Phosphatase. Trends Cell Biol. 1999 9: 125.
3. Di Cristofano, A., & P.P. Pandolfi. The Multiple Roles of PTEN in Tumor Suppression. Cell. 2000. 100. 387.
Antiserum to PTEN,
Prod.# P-1191-I
From Rabbit. Immunogen: Raised against a fusion protein containing the C-terminal human PTEN sequence. Specificity: Detects a ~60 kDa band of human, mouse and rat PTEN by Western Blot
Research Applications: Immunoblotting:1:1000 Dilution, Immunoprecipitation: 1-2 ul/sample, Lipid Phosphatase Assay: Details available, IP-Phosphatase Assay: Details available.
PTEN plays an important role in the modulation of the 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway, by catalyzing the degradation of the PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 generated by PtdIns 3-kinase. This inhibits downstream functions mediated by PtdIns 3-kinase pathway.
100 ul $320.00 Order online
1. Cantley, L.C. & B.G. Neel. New Insights into Tumor Suppression: PTEN Suppresses Tumor Formation by Restraining the Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase / AKT Pathway. PNAS. 1999. 96: 4240.
2. Maehama, T., & J.E. Dixon. PTEN: A Tumour Suppressor that Functions as a Phospholipid Phosphatase. Trends Cell Biol. 1999 9: 125.
3. Di Cristofano, A., & P.P. Pandolfi. The Multiple Roles of PTEN in Tumor Suppression. Cell. 2000. 100. 387.
L-Quebrachitol, 1L-2-O-Methyl-chiro-inositol,
Prod.# Q-1002-I
C7H14O6, M.W. 194.2, Soluble in DMF, DMSO or Water., CAS [642-38-6], , White to Off-White Powder
Key starting material for synthesis of optically active inositol phosphates.
1 g $30.00 Order online
5 gm $100.00 Order online
+4°C. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
2,3,6-Trideoxy-Ins(1,4,5)P3. 6Na, 2,3,6-Trideoxy-d-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.hexasodium salt,
Prod.# T-1028-I
M.W. 504, Soluble in Water., White Solid.
Exhibits relatively low ligand binding affinity to the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor of bovine adrenal cortex membranes and acts as a weak agonist in releasing calcium from saponin permeablized SH-Sy5Y human neurolastoma cells.
1 mg $75.00 Order online
-20°C. Hygroscopic. Protect from Moisture. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
1. Kozikowski, A.P. et al. JACS 1993. 115: 4429
Wortmannin, Penicillium wortmanni, KY12420,
Prod.# W-1022-I
C23H24O8, M.W. 428.4, Soluble in Methanol and DMSO., CAS [19545-26-7], BP/MP: 240°C, Off-White to Pale Yellow Solid
A fungal metabolite that specifically inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK).
5 mg $85.00 Order online
25 mg $320.00 Order online
-20°C. Hygroscopic. Protect from Light and Moisture. Store in Tightly Sealed Vial.
1. Merck Index. 1996. 12: 10188.
2. Okbayasu, R., K. Suetomi, R.L. Ullrich. Wortmannin Inhibits Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Irradiated Normal Human Cells. Radiation Research. 1998. 58(9): 440-445.
3. Carnero, A., J.C. Lacal. Wortmannin, An Inhibitor of Phosphatidyl-inositol 3-Kinase, Induces Ococyte Maturation Through a MPF-MAPK-Dependent Pathway. FEBS Letters. 1998. 422(2): 155-159.
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